x-Hub Addis, Inspires and Mentors Young Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
Tinashe Zvakasikwa
December 12, 2020

x-Hub Addis is an innovative business incubation centre that provides support for entrepreneurs in Ethiopia. It was founded in 2014 from a desire to give back to the community and offer a gift of lasting value. Because information and communication technology drives growth and development into the future, the hub invites entrepreneurs in the fields of information communication technology, agribusiness, and solutions that can open paths to a brighter and energy-efficient future.

Members are encouraged to be creative and innovative in finding local solutions to local problems. Amidst the country’s growing economy, the demand of visionary architects and engineers is high. With the right training and mentorship offered by xHub, ideas in architectural, artistic, and engineering dreams come true and can transform ideas into business programs.

The environment encourages emerging ideas to evolve with value-adding networking, telecommunications, internet, programming, and information system technologies to bring about solutions and cutting-edge innovations. To achieve this, xHub partners with renowned international players like AfriLabs, iHub, Afro Bytes, Tecno Mobile and Ice Addis. These act as advisors, funders, and sponsors for member startups.

Because xHub is an initiative of the Center for African Leadership Studies, it also benefits from a substantial pool of donors and mentors. At the hub, young entrepreneurs not only receive logistical assistance such as internet access and working space, but they also receive mentorship from various professionals as they develop their ideas into businesses or products. With the vision of raising local entrepreneurs to come up with innovative local solutions, xHub has become a space that inspires and empowers young people to take on the challenges and issues around them and turn them into opportunities.